What we do?
We work together to promote and develop quality Montessori programmes that are accesible and affordable to all Malaysian children, families and communities.
Being a representative voice for Montessori schools, teachers, parents, pupils in both public and private set-ups, for ensuring quality control of teacher training and onoing in-service training
and last but not least assisting Montessori schools to be in line with the Ministry of Education’s new curriculum guidelines and regulations.

Montessori Association of Malaysia
Established in 2007, we are an organisation focusing on Montessori Education at all levels comprising the methodology founded by Dr. Maria Montessori, namely the teaching, learning, care-giving and enrichment of children, spanning the early childhood years, through elementary, adolescent ages and as think-tank for parenting practices, educational training as well as advisor of policies.

What we do?
We work together to promote and develop quality Montessori programmes that are accessible and affordable to all Malaysian children, families and communities.
Being a representative voice for Montessori schools, teachers, parents, pupils in both public and private set-ups, (MAM) ensuring quality control of teacher training and ongoing in-service training and last but not least assisting Montessori schools to be in line with the Ministry of Education’s new curriculum guidelines and regulations.
About Montessori
Montessori is a method of education that is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play.

Founded in 1907 by Dr. Maria Montessori, the first Italy’s female doctor. Instead of using traditional teaching methods, Maria Montessori began testing her own child-centered educational theories in the classroom.
Utilising scientific observation and experience gained from her earlier work with young children, Dr. Montessori designed unique learning materials for them, many of which are still in use in Montessori classrooms today, and created a classroom environment that fostered the children’s natural desire to learn.
Montessori Today
From its humble beginnings more than 100 years ago as a single schoolroom for a group of underprivileged children in Rome, Italy, Montessori education has taken a firm foothold on the educational landscape.
From early years (0 to 6), through elementary (6-12) and the erdkinder (children of the earth) adolescent years (12 to 18).
Recognizing the many values of intergenerational as well as community relationships, and the alignment of Montessori philosophy with adult-care needs, some Montessori schools now include programs that bring together students and the elderly for meaningful interactions. Others create cross-cultural relationships with Montessori schools in distant countries, opening the doors for students to form global connections and strengthen their understanding of peoples worldwide.
Furthermore, even more fundamental today, is the human response to the global challenges of planetary sustainability. Here is where youth in Montessori play an important role in providing assistance to preserve the natural progress of the cosmos and all its connections.

Montessori Association of Malaysia is the place for Montessori practitioners, enthusiasts and institutions to gather and discuss with others.
Here are some of our Institutional Members